Last month Veeam PN v2 went GA and was available for download and install from the download page. As an update to that, we published v2 to the Azure Marketplace which is now available for deployment. As a quick refresher, Veeam PN was initially released as part of Direct Recovery to Azure and was marketed through the Azure Marketplace. In addition to that, for the initial release I went through a number of use cases for Veeam PN which are all still relevant with the release of v2:

With the addition of WireGuard replacing OpenVPN for site-to-site connectivity the list of use cases will be expanded and the use cased above enhanced. For most of my own use of Veeam PN, I have the Hub living in an Azure Region which I connect up into where ever I am around the world.

Now that the Veeam PN v2 is available from the Azure Marketplace I have created a quick deployment video that can be viewed below. For those that want a more step by step guide as a working example, you can reference this post from v1… essentially the process is the same.

  • Deploy Veeam PN Appliance from Azure Marketplace
  • Perform Initial Veeam PN Configuration to connect Azure
  • Configure SiteGateway and Clients

NOTE: One of the challenges that we introduced by shifting over to WireGuard is that there is no direct upgrade path from v1 to v2. With that, there needs to be a side by side stand up of v2 and v1 to enable a configuration migration… which at the moment if a manual process.
