If I think back over the past couple of years…or more specifically since I started working for Veeam I have achieved and ticked off a lot of personal goals. If I think about last year and the opportunities I had. Top of the list was that I delivered a VMworld Breakout Session and be part of a main stage demo in front of two and half thousand people at VeeamON which certainly ticked the boxes in terms of public speaking events.
Beyond that I learnt a lot about working in a Marketing Organization and the behind the scene people engine(s) that keeps a successful software company like Veeam rolling. I learnt how products are positioned, how collateral and content is developed and also how to interact with different areas of the business as products are developed and marketed. Being the Technical end of a Marketing Organization is an interesting place to be and there is a balance that I learnt needed to be had to bridge the gap between the technical and the non-technical.
Travel was something that I didn’t mind doing and as I pointed out in one of my last blog posts from 2017. I adjusted to the travel well, and without question I am looking forward to my travels in 2018. The one thing that did catch me out was the impact that it had on content creation and tinker time. That was a lesson learnt and I am extremely motivated to ensure I work in and around the travel to ensure I pick up my game compared to last year.
I’ve talked a lot in the past about work/life balance and the challenges of working from home and that is something that I am always aware of. Last year the balance was pretty much spot on, so this year I’m hoping that it remains the same…because if that balance isn’t kept everything else could be considered a waste of time!
In terms of what I want to try and achieve this year:
- Continual Personal and Career Development (don’t rest on the past, continue to push and strive to better myself in every way)
- Excel at my job and strive to always improve (this helps me, my workmates, customers and the company)
- Get at least two quality blog posts out a week (not for the sake of it but to create great content)
- Deep Dive into at least one Technology per month (This is paramount for my job and career)
- Read at least one book a month (I’ve never been a big reader but need to push myself here)
- More Home Automation (think this is on everyone’s list but something that I want to do as a hobby)
I’m sure there is more and I am also sure I can be more specific but for the purpose of this exercise I’ll leave it at that list.
As I start to settle into the new year I will be thinking about how I can continue to move forward both professionally…together with my my team as we shift from Marketing to Product Strategy bringing with it new challenges and opportunities to learn new skills and contribute to Veeam’s success…as well as personally as strive to be content about where I am in life with family central to that.
Here is to 2018!