Last week VMware released vCloud Director SP 8.0.2 Build 4348775. While there a a number of minor bug fixes in this release there is one important fix that will make service providers who offer replication services built upon Zerto happy, as it resolves a bug that had stopped many service providers upgrading from vCD SP 5.6.x. Apart from that there are only a couple new things in this build…that being an updated JRE version, some additional language support in the WebMKS console and probably of more importance is official support for NSX-v 6.2.4

As usual I’ve gone through the Resolved Issues list and highlighted the ones I feel are most relevant…the ones in red are issues we have seen in our vCloud Zones and Zettagrid Labs.
- Intermittent failure of vCD vApp deployment
When you attempt to deploy vApp either manually or through the vCO workflow, the deployment might fail with the following error:
Could not find resource pool for placement of edge gateway. - Downloading a large vApp template as an OVF file from the vCloud Director fails
Attemps to download a large vApp template as an OVF file from vCloud Director fails due to an operation timeout error in both vCloud Director and vCenter Server. This issue is seen when the size of the vApp template is greater than 100 GB. - vCloud Director Cell uses a high percentage of the CPU
The vCloud Director cell uses more than 90 percent of the CPU. As a result, the vCloud Director workload is affected - During a heavy load, vCloud Director can have two or more VMs that have the same CloudUUID in the system
During a heavy load, vCloud Director can have two or more VMs with the same CloudUUID in the system. This causes the Managed Object Reference (moref) of the VM to be overwritten by another VM. Due to the duplicated CloudUUID, a wrong VM might get deleted. - In the latest Mac version (OS X El Capitan), the Upload, or Download dialog box does not close correctly
After you update your system to the latest Mac version (OS X El Capitan), when you attempt to upload a file from the data store the Upload, or Download dialog box does not close correctly. - vApp deployment from a template fails with certain direct organization VDC networks, when there are multiple direct organization VDC networks in a VDC that are mapped to the same external network
When there are multiple direct organization VDC networks in a VDC that are mapped to a single external network, deploying a vApp from the template is possible with only one of these networks. The deployment fails when other networks are selected. - Edge gateway fails to deploy when a create request is invoked from the vCloud Director cell that does not have a vCenter Server proxy listener
In a multi-cell vCloud Director setup, the Edge gateway creation is successful only when the create request is invoked from the vCloud Director cell that has a vCenter Server proxy listener.
Zerto vs VMware Standoff:
Hey @Zerto and @vmwarecares there are a lot of SPs that need you to sort out KB 2144385 Please work it out and get a workaround and/or fix.
— Anthony Spiteri (@anthonyspiteri) September 28, 2016
With regards to the Zerto issue, this bug actually exists in vCD SP 8.10 as well and will be resolved in an upcoming build later in November. There is a hotfix available if Service Providers want to deploy vCD SP 8.10 before the official release. There was a significant delay before this that impacted Zerto clients and to be honest it wasn’t handled well from both sides. Zerto claim to offer official support 90 days after the release of vCD however that was not possible and the finger was pointed at VMware to fix the bug rather than try to work around the issue.
“Creating or modifying a VM in vCD fails (VMware KB 2144385)” and Zerto is prevented from recovering into a vCD environment.
That VMwareKB has been pulled back internally and there isn’t any specific reference to that issue in the release notes, however we do know and have confirmed that the bug has been resolved in this build and the upcoming 8.10 build. It highlights the fact that vendors who partner together in delivering solutions that rely on one an others solutions need to work together so as to not impact their mutual clients.