Last week VMware released NSX-v 6.3.4 (Build 6845891) that contains no specific new features but addresses a couple of bug fixes from previous releases. Going through the release notes there are a lot of known issues that should be known and there are more than a few that apply to service providers…specifically there are a lot around NSX Edge functions. The other interesting point to highlight about this release is that for those on NSX-v 6.3.3 there is are a couple of scripts to run against the API before upgrading to ensure all controllers are upgradable.

As mentioned, before upgrading the release notes stage that for those on NSX-v 6.3.3 they follow this VMwareKB. In a nutshell there is a bug in 6.3.3 where the NSX Controllers are reported as disconnected in the Web Client as shown below.

To fix that situation you need to execute a couple of API calls that POSTs a script to the NSX Manager as documented in the VMwareKB. This needs to be done as the NSX Manager Admin user as I found this didn’t work with an NSX Domain User or an SSO Administrator Account with NSX Org admin level permissions.

Once the second script has been run you should see a similar output to what’s shown above and have all NSX Controllers ready in a connected state which allows you to prepare for the upgrade. Once done, you can go through the normal NSX upgrade steps which will get you to the latest build.

Important Fixes :

  • Fixed Issue 1970527: ARP fails to resolve for VMs when Logical Distributed Router ARP table crosses 5K limit
  • Fixed Issue 1961105: Hardware VTEP connection goes down upon controller rebootA BufferOverFlow exception is seen when certain hardware VTEP configurations are pushed from the NSX Manager to the NSX Controller. This overflow issue prevents the NSX Controller from getting a complete hardware gateway configuration. Fixed in 6.3.4.
  • Fixed Issue 1955855: Controller API could fail due to cleanup of API server reference filesUpon cleanup of required files, workflows such as traceflow and central CLI will fail. If external events disrupt the persistent TCP connections between NSX Manager and controller, NSX Manager will lose the ability to make API connections to controllers, and the UI will display the controllers as disconnected. There is no datapath impact.

Those with the correct entitlements can download NSX-v 6.3.4 here.
