Taking a look at the platform stack above it’s clear to see that Veeam is clear in it’s direction in that for the first time there is a clear solution stack that is shown. This signals Veeam’s coming of age and for me, signals that they finally have grown up to be a true leader in the virtualisation, backup and platform management spaces. What is also pleasing to see is that Veeam Cloud Connect underpins the stack to break out backup and replication to public and private clouds.
Key Features and Announcements:
As mentioned there are a number of key features and announcements that where announced.
- New Veeam Agents: Previously Veeam Endpoint there are new Veeam Agents for Windows and Linux that ensures availability either on premises or offsite to a cloud repository. Having a look at the table below you can see that there are three editions being released that include enterprise features such as application aware processing, flexible scheduling and retention options all while being able to backup directly to Cloud Connect repositories. One of the key points here is that this covers physical workloads as well by way of the Server version!
- Veeam Backup for Office 365: Yep, backup Office 365 Mailboxes! Mitigate the risks of loosing access to your email data and ensures availability to your users.
- Enterprise Scalability Features: Scale effectively regardless of the size of your environment or the number of VMs with enhanced processing engines leading to backup and restore acceleration.
- Advanced ReFS Integration: Greater performance and capacity efficiency for large scale datasets which allow for shorter backup windows, lower storage load, reduced consumption and more reliable forever forward incremental archiving.
- Veeam One 9.5: Includes new chargeback function for Veeam Cloud Service Providers with the ability to charge for consumed resources that covers vSphere, vCloud Director and Hyper-V.
- Veeam Availability Orchestrator: Disaster recovery orchestration for the enterprise doing this via defined recovery plans, automated DR Testing for non disruptive disaster recovery testing all while being compliant through built in documenting and and reporting.
- Veeam Availability Console: A cloud enabled platform for Service Providers and enterprises enabling management of remote offices and giving partners the ability to launch new business through DRaaS and BaaS managed services.
- V10 Preview: Finally a tease of a v10 feature with IBM storage integration.
A lot of these features attempt to hit the enterprise market directly, while retaining focus on the current addressable market. I’ll update this page a over the next few days with some of the announced release dates for the products and features listed above.
Make no mistake this is huge and Veeam continued to enable customers to consume backup and replication with ease and continues to innovate around brilliantly simple products that just work! As shown below, Veeam has a strong track record of innovating and being first to market.
Looking forward, this is set to continue with the release of Veeam 9.5 and beyond.