Posting a very quick fix to an issue that I have seen pop up during all my installs to date of PernixData FVP Management Server (v2.x) whereby the Management Server Service Fails to start after a successful install.
Once the install completes successfully if you go to the vCenter Web or VI Client to start configuring your FVP Clusters you will find that the Plugin is not listed. Checking back on the management server the PernixData FVP Management Server Service will be in a stopped state.
If you try and start the service you get an error saying the service did not start due to a logon failure.
Which is confirmed in the Windows System Event Log.
What appears to happen is that the password specified for the service account during the FVP Manager Install doesn’t seem to get passed through to the system correctly and the fix is to simply re-enter the service account password under the Log On Tab of the Service.
Once done, the next attempt to start the service will be successful and you can start to configure the FVP Clusters.
My password had a couple of special characters which usually is the problem with passwords being interpreted by installers incorrectly…in this case I had a ^ at the start of the password and while I couldn’t find anything specific on the PernixData KB Site relating to it the fix is logical enough that most should be able to work it out…if not, hope to have saved you some time.