While I have resisted temptation to post a blog on this years Top vBlog voting I thought with a couple of days to go it was worth giving it a shout just in case there where some of you who hadn’t had the chance to vote or didn’t know about the Top vBlog vLaunchPad list organised and maintained by Eric Siebert of vShere-Land.

As has been the case in previous years, there has been talk of this being a popularity contest and there has even been some other comments around gender participation this year which is disappointing to have around what should be a legitimate way to help recognize the vBlog community. In my opinion the best way to vote was described by @Virten shown below.
This rules out any perceived popularity contest! Great method! How to vote for Top vBlog 2016 https://t.co/kqxP5YPff8 via @virten
— Anthony Spiteri (@anthonyspiteri) 5 May 2016
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However you do it, or have done it good luck to all those who are listed and for those who haven’t voted yet click on the link below to cast your vote. If you feel inclined and enjoy my content around vCloud Director, NSX, VSAN and Cloud and Hosting in general…It would be an honor to have you consider anthonyspiteri.net in your Top 12 and also in the Independent Blogger category.
Thanks again to Eric Siebert.