AWS Outposts and VMware…Hybridity Defined!

Now that AWS re:Invent 2018 has well and truly passed…the biggest industry shift to come out of the event from my point of view was the fact that AWS are going full guns blazing into the on-premises world. With the announcement of AWS Outposts the long held belief that the public cloud is the panacea […] Read More

AWS re:Invent 2018 – Veeam and N2WS Recap and Thoughts

There was so much to take away from AWS re:Invent last week. In my opinion, having attended a lot of industry events over the past ten or so years, this years re:Invent has left the industry with a lot to think about it! AWS vigorously defended their position as the number one Public Cloud destination […] Read More

AWS re:Invent 2018 Recap – Times…they a̶r̶e̶ have a̶ Changi̶n̶g̶ed!

I wrote this sitting in the Qantas Lounge in Melbourne waiting for the last leg back to Perth after spending the week in Las Vegas at AWS re:Invent 2018. I had fifteen hours on the LAX to MEL leg and before that flight took off, I struck up a conversation (something I never usually do […] Read More

Veeam’s AWS re:Invent 2018 Session Posted

This week, myself and David Hill presented at AWS re:Invent 2018 around what at Veeam is offering by way of providing data protection and availability for native AWS workloads, VMware Cloud on AWS workloads and how we are leveraging AWS technologies to offer new features in the upcoming Update 4 release of Backup & Replication […] Read More

Veeam at AWS re:Invent 2018

AWS re:Invent 2018 is happening next week and for the first time Veeam is at the event in a big way! Last year, we effectively tested the waters with a small booth, no main session and without the usual event presence that you would expect of Veeam at an VMworld or Microsoft Ignite. This year […] Read More

Automating the Creation of AWS VPC and Subnets for VMware Cloud on AWS

Yesterday I wrote about how to deploy a Single Host SDDC through the VMware Cloud on AWS web console. I mentioned some pre-requisites that where required in order for the deployment to be successful. Part of those is to setup an AWS VPC up with networking in place so that the VMC components can be […] Read More

Creating a Single Host SDDC for VMware Cloud on AWS

While preparing for my VMworld session with Michael Cade on automating and orchestrating the deployment of Veeam into VMware Cloud on AWS, we have been testing against the Single Host SDDC that’s been made available for on demand POCs for those looking to test the waters on VMware Cloud on AWS. The great thing about […] Read More

Video – Protecting AWS and Hybrid Workloads with Veeam and N2WS

Back in April, I was lucky enough to present at the AWS Summit in Singapore. The session was a joint one with Alex Thomson from N2WS on how Veeam and N2WS are protecting native workloads within AWS and also extending that out to protecting Hybrid workloads sitting on-premises back to AWS or within VMware Cloud […] Read More

Using Terraform to Deploy and Configure a Ready to use Backup Repo into an AWS VPC

A month of so ago I wrote a post on deploying Veeam Powered Network into an AWS VPC as a way to extend the VPC network to a remote site to leverage a Veeam Linux Repository running as an EC2 instance. During the course of deploying that solution I came across a lot of little […] Read More

Quick Look – Backing up AWS Workloads with Cloud Protection Manager from N2WS

Earlier this year Veeam acquired N2WS after announcements last year of a technology partnership at VeeamON 2017. The more I tinker with Cloud Protection Manager the more I understand why we made the acquisition. N2WS was founded in 2012 with their first product shipping in 2013. Purpose built for AWS supporting all types of EC2 […] Read More

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