
Evolution of Apache CloudStack: From to Apache

 The cloud computing landscape has witnessed a remarkable transformation with the emergence of open-source platforms. Among these, Apache CloudStack stands out as a pivotal player, empowering enterprises with turnkey cloud solutions. In this blog post, we embark on a historical journey to trace the evolution of Apache CloudStack, from its humble beginnings as a […] Read More

Thoughts on 2023

NOTE: The following content was transcribed and modified from the Thoughts on X podcast…Click Play if you would like to listen. I think we should all put a pin in 2022. But before we do, I want to finish talking about 2022 by quoting something from Rocky Balboa and then let me put some context […] Read More

Multiple Cloud Theory in the Hybrid World

 NOTE: The following content was transcribed and modified from the Thoughts on X podcast embedded above… Click Play if you would like to listen. Last week, I was at an event in Singapore for Cloud Expo, and I was involved in a couple of panels. During the discussion, the narrative was around multi-cloud, hybrid […] Read More

Veeam Cloud and Service Provider Roadmap

10 years of Success with the Veeam Cloud and Service Provider Program

Hard to believe that I’ve been using Veeam for over ten years now! This blog has been testament to how Veeam has always been close to Cloud and Service Providers with a lot of my original content on the site stemming from working with technologies like Backup & Replication and the day to day learnings […] Read More

Cloud Field Day 5 – Recap and Videos #CFD5

Last week I had the pleasure of presenting at Cloud Field Day 5 (a Tech Field Day event). Joined by Michael Cade and David Hill, we took the delegates through Veeam’s cloud vision by showcasing current product and features in the Veeam platform including specific technology that both leverages and protects Public Cloud workloads and […] Read More

Quick Look – New Cloud Credentials Manager in Update 4

With the release of Update 4 for Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 we further enhanced our overall cloud capabilities by adding a number of new features and enhancements that focus on tenants being able to leverage Veeam Cloud and Service Providers as well as Public Cloud services. With the addition of Cloud Mobility, External Repository […] Read More

What Services Providers Need to Think About in 2019 and Beyond…

We are entering interesting times in the cloud space! We should no longer be talking about the cloud as a destination and we shouldn’t be talking about how cloud can transform business…those days are over! We have entered the next level of adoption whereby the cloud as a delivery framework has become mainstream. You only […] Read More

Hybrid World… Why IBM buying RedHat makes sense!

As Red October came to a close…at a time when US Tech stocks were taking their biggest battering in a long time the news came out over the weekend that IBM had acquired RedHat for 34 billion dollars! This seems to have taken the tech world by surprise…the all-cash deal represents a massive 63% premium […] Read More

First Look – Zenko, Multi-Platform Data Replication and Management

A couple of weeks ago I stumbled upon Zenko via a LinkedIn post. I was interested in what it had to offer and decided to go and have a deeper look. With Veeam launching our vision to be the leader of intelligent data management at VeeamON this year, I have been on the lookout for […] Read More

Quick Look – Backing up AWS Workloads with Cloud Protection Manager from N2WS

Earlier this year Veeam acquired N2WS after announcements last year of a technology partnership at VeeamON 2017. The more I tinker with Cloud Protection Manager the more I understand why we made the acquisition. N2WS was founded in 2012 with their first product shipping in 2013. Purpose built for AWS supporting all types of EC2 […] Read More

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