
vCloud Air and Virtustream – Just kill vCloud Air Already?!?

I’ve been wanting to write some commentary around the vCloud Air and Virtustream merger since rumours of it took place just before VMworld in Auguest and I’ve certainly been more interested in the whole state of play since news of the EMC/VMware Cloud Services spin off was announced in late October…the basis of this new […] Read More

Ninefold: Going Head to Head with AWS and Using Opensource is Risky in Cloud Land

Today Ninefold (an Australian based IaaS and PaaS) provider announced that they where closing their doors an would be migrating their clients to their parent companies (Macquarie Telecom) cloud services. And while this hasn’t come as a surprise to me…having closely watched Ninefold from it’s beta days through to it’s shutdown it does highlight a […] Read More

M$ Price Hike: Is the Race to the Bottom Over?

A couple of weeks ago Microsoft raised the prices of Azure, Office 365, CRM Online and other enterprise cloud services across Australia, Canada and Europe. In the Azure AU Region prices were increased a hefty 26% and there has been a significant outcry from customers and partners alike. The reality is that for partners who resell Azure […] Read More

The Reality of Cloud – Outages are Like *holes…

It’s been a bad couple of weeks for cloud services both around the world and locally…Over the last three days we have seen AWS have issues which may have been indirectly related to the Leap Second on Tuesday night and this morning, Azure’s Sydney Zone had serious network connectivity issues which disrupted services for approximately three to […] Read More

Platform9 Introduction

I came across Platform9 while wandering the back halls of the VMWorld Solutions Exchange last year in San Francisco…as a fan of the movie District 9 I was drawn to the name without really knowing anything about the tech being shown. After a brief chat with the booth staff going over product I thought to […] Read More

VMworld: Community Tech Talk – Differentiate or Die?

As mentioned in a previous post I was lucky enough to be able to present a #vBrownBag Tech Talk at this years VMworld. Even though the timing meant a smallish audience in the Community Hang Space it was a thrill to present…somehow I even got my still on the frontpage of the VMworld Video Page: […] Read More

Veeam Cloud Connect

I’ve written a couple of posts around the pain of backup products and I’ve talked about a world where we backup independent of the Application. Storage platforms like AWS S3 offer a place where objects can be stored for safe keeping and accessed upon request. There is a catch to that kind of storage in […] Read More


During last weeks #APACVirtual Podcast (Episode 70 – Engineers Anonymous pt1 – Engineer2PreSales) the panelists (of which, I was one) where discussing what it took to become a successful candidate in transitioning from a technical engineering role to a pre-sales/architecture role. It was universally agreed upon that passion is a much sort after trait in those roles. Someone who is passionate about what they […] Read More

Online Storage Wars – What’s in it for Service Providers?

Last weekend I signed up for an account at MEGA. This is @KimDotCom‘s new venture attempting to send a big F-U to the regulatory forces that are accusing him of copyright infringement and extradition to the US (for more info, head to the Wikipedia page) …off the bat you get a free 50GB account to basically so whatever you […] Read More

VMworld – Where is the Zephyr?

There where some pretty big announcements and reveals at VMworld 2012, but unless I missed something (which was totally possible had any accouncement been made on Wednesday morning) nothing significant/direct was said of Project Zephyr VMware’s public cloud offering. What is slightly confusing is that VMware have been very open in the beta for the […] Read More

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