Apache Iceberg as the New S3 and Data Analytics with Starburst

 The data analytics landscape has seen a remarkable transformation with the emergence of open-source platforms. Among these, Apache Iceberg and Starburst stand out as pivotal players, empowering enterprises with advanced data warehousing and analytics solutions. On Episode 86 of Great Things with Great Tech I spoke to CEO and co-founder Justin Borgman about the […] Read More

Evolution of Apache CloudStack: From to Apache

 The cloud computing landscape has witnessed a remarkable transformation with the emergence of open-source platforms. Among these, Apache CloudStack stands out as a pivotal player, empowering enterprises with turnkey cloud solutions. In this blog post, we embark on a historical journey to trace the evolution of Apache CloudStack, from its humble beginnings as a […] Read More

That’s How They Roll! Bare-Metal Cloud for AI and HPC Workloads

There has been a shift of late to bare-metal cloud. The amount of companies popping up and starting to offer specialised services has risen in recent years and a horses for courses approach to cloud computing has become a growing trend. The way in which servers can be procured and paid for in a cloud […] Read More

Thoughts on 2023

NOTE: The following content was transcribed and modified from the Thoughts on X podcast…Click Play if you would like to listen. I think we should all put a pin in 2022. But before we do, I want to finish talking about 2022 by quoting something from Rocky Balboa and then let me put some context […] Read More

SpyderBat: Threat prevention and security operations in a rapidly changing cloud world

 I don’t have to remind anyone of the importance of security and threat detection when it comes to protecting your critical systems, applications and the data being created. For the most part i’ve spent my time in IT worrying about the design and implementation fo end user platforms and data protection, and have always […] Read More


DevSecOps… a little bit of education with Snyk

Somewhere along the line, someone decided to put a “Sec” in between “Dev” and “Ops”… and now it is a thing! I have historically reacted poorly to the xOps labels that have been flung around IT circles for a number of years now, but the reality is that a lot of these previous silos are […] Read More

Managed Kubernetes and OpenStack as a Service with Platform9

Kubernetes can pose a steep learning curve for those coming from a more traditional infrastructure background. Its adoption is growing as we know, and there are a lot of IT Operations practitioners scrambling to get up to speed with the container management and control plane platform. The success of the public cloud Kubernetes services on […] Read More

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