
Managed Kubernetes for Labs and Learning

I’ve been talking a lot about Managed Kubernetes this year. About a month ago I submitted a session for Cloud Native Data Management Day around Managed Kubernetes for learning and labbing. What I wanted to do was take a very quick look at some examples of how you can leverage the resources that are out […] Read More

Kasten Kubestr

Introducing Kubestr – Identify, Validate and Evaluate Kubernetes Storage

For as long as I can remember I have been benchmarking storage. Knowing how storage would perform under certain IO profiles was a key part of the burn in process for new storage platforms. For the most part, what you got was what you paid for, but making sure reality matched expectation for storage was […] Read More

Kubernetes Backup – Kasten K10 Online Lab Walkthrough

Kubernetes has arrived. But this new wave can be hard to get into for traditional IT Infrastructure folks. Both Infrastructure and DevOps alike need to be aware holistically of all platforms (physical, virtual and container) that run both modern cloud native workloads and what are more commonly now referred to as traditional applications. Kubernetes hasn’t […] Read More

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