
Office 365 Backups and the Opportunity that Exists for Service Providers

In recent weeks i’ve become reacquainted with an old friend…There was a time where eighty to ninety percent of my day job was working in and around Exchange Server. If I had started this blog in 2005 it would have been dominated with posts around the Hosting of Exchange Server and probably be named Exchange is […] Read More

Configuring Service Provider Self Service Recovery with Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365

For a while now I’ve talked about the increasing functionality of the the Cloud Connect Gateway and that it is central to a lot of features and services that exist within Veeam Backup & Replication. With the release of 9.5 Update 3 we added a feature that allows multi-tenant self service recoverability of a tenants […] Read More

Creating a Custom Cloud Connect Maintenance Mode Message

Last week I wrote an article on Maintenance Modes in Cloud Connect and also Veeam Availability Console. For Cloud Connect there is a default error message that get’s shown in the Job Status if any jobs are started if the Cloud Connect Maintenance Mode is turned on. We have the ability to customize that message […] Read More

Cloud Connect and VAC Portal Maintenance Modes

Lately i’ve been digging deeper into the Veeam Availability Console and have been wrapping my head around it’s extended feature set. With that I thought it would be good to start a series of short blog posts pointing out examples of how certain parts are configured and what is happening under the covers. To kick […] Read More

A Deeper Look at Insider Protection in 9.5 Update 3

With the release of Backup & Replication 9.5 Update 3 we introduced the concept of a Recycle Bin for customers sending offsite cloud backups to VCSPs using Veeam Cloud Connect. This deleted backup protection…or Insider Protection allows the VCSP to enable the deleted backups protection option for specific tenants and looks to add another level […] Read More

9.5 Update 3 Officially Compatible with VMware Cloud on AWS

At VMworld 2017 Veeam was announced as one of only two foundation Data Protection partners for VMware Cloud on AWS. This functionality was dependant on the release of Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 Update 3 that contained the enhancements for it to interoperate with VMware Cloud on AWS locked down vCenter. This week 9.5 Update […] Read More

Quick Look: Installing Veeam Powered Network Direct from a Linux Repo

Last week, Veeam Powered Network (Veeam PN) was released to GA. As a quick reminder Veeam PN allows administrators to create, configure and connect site-to-site or point-to-site VPN tunnels easily through an intuitive and simple UI all within a couple of clicks. Previously during the RC period there where two options for deployment…The appliance was […] Read More

Quick Look: Veeam Agent for Linux 2.0 – Now With Cloud Connect

Just over a year ago Veeam Agent for Linux version 1.0 was released and for me still represents an important milestone for Veeam. During various presentations over the last twelve months I have talked about the fact that Linux backups haven’t really changed for twenty or so years and that the tried and trusted method […] Read More

AWS re:Invent – Expectations from a VM Hugger…

Today is the first day offical day of AWS re:Invent 2017 and things are kicking off with the global partner summit. Today also is my first day of AWS re:Invent and I am looking forward to experiencing a different type of big IT conference with all previous experiences being at VMworld or the old Microsoft […] Read More

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