
Quick Post: Quick Post: Expanding MetalLB IP Pool to Fix Pending Status

 I’ve been using MetalLB for a while now in my Kubernetes Clusters and it’s a great easy way to achieve high availability networking for service endpoints. For an overview of MetalLB, head to this earlier post. When initially deploying MetalLB, I usually configure a fairly small address pool for the Layer 2 mode configuration […] Read More

First Look – Deploying KubeVirt with Platform9

Last week I wrote an introductory post around KubeVirt giving some insight into were it sits in the current Kubernetes and Virtualization landscape. As mentioned, there is a somewhat steep learning curve in understanding its architecture and when looking to go beyond lab deployments the installation can be a bit tricky. That is very much […] Read More

Quick Intro: KubeVirt… Where Kubernetes and VMs meet!

I’ll admit that when I first saw the KubeVirt appear on my radar I thought that someone was pulling my leg… Kubernetes rise in the IT professionals day to day vernacular has resulted in a ton of interest to understand what it is and what it does. It has strong roots with with developer lead […] Read More

Enterprise Ready Managed Kubernetes as a Service with Rafay

Though Kubernetes has made significant headways into being accepted as the way forward in terms of how modern applications are developed, deployed and managed, the reality of the ecosystem that exists around containers and cloud native platforms is still not set and continues to be a shifting proposition for IT operations to navigate. This means […] Read More

Why the Kubernetes wave is not equal to Virtualization… but why that doesn’t matter!

If you are engaged with the general IT community that deals with infrastructure, virutalization or cloud, you have probably heard the comparison between Kubernetes and Virtualization. The narrative goes something along the lines of “Kubernetes will have the same level of impact on IT as what Virtualization had”. That is to say that Kubernetes is […] Read More

Managed Kubernetes

One Click Managed Kubernetes Labs with Platform9

I first blogged about Platform9 all the way back in 2015 after discovering them in 2014 at VMworld… that was around their VMware/KVM and OpenStack solutions at the time… this time around it’s Kubernetes. Platform9 will give you a fully configured and managed Kubernetes single node master cluster within 10 minutes. For lab environments, i’ve […] Read More

Managed Kubernetes and OpenStack as a Service with Platform9

Kubernetes can pose a steep learning curve for those coming from a more traditional infrastructure background. Its adoption is growing as we know, and there are a lot of IT Operations practitioners scrambling to get up to speed with the container management and control plane platform. The success of the public cloud Kubernetes services on […] Read More

Kasten Kubestr

Introducing Kubestr – Identify, Validate and Evaluate Kubernetes Storage

For as long as I can remember I have been benchmarking storage. Knowing how storage would perform under certain IO profiles was a key part of the burn in process for new storage platforms. For the most part, what you got was what you paid for, but making sure reality matched expectation for storage was […] Read More

A Quick and Easy Load Balancer for Kubernetes Labs with MetalLB

I’ve been tinkering with a number of different Kubernetes platforms again and the relative complication of external networking for deployed Kubernetes applications remains real. In the Public Cloud world, services such as EKS, GKE and AKS all have some form of external networking built into the offerings and VMware’s Tanzu can rely on NSX-T, HAProxy […] Read More

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