VMworld – Where is the Zephyr?

There where some pretty big announcements and reveals at VMworld 2012, but unless I missed something (which was totally possible had any accouncement been made on Wednesday morning) nothing significant/direct was said of Project Zephyr VMware’s public cloud offering. What is slightly confusing is that VMware have been very open in the beta for the […] Read More

Quick Post: From 36,000 feet

This is just a quick post from somewhere in between SF and LA. Got to say that Virgin America is very impressive. Seats are comfortable and the entertainment system is well advanced over Qantas or AA. I won’t be so privileged on the A380 back to Sydney… But I have lots of time to go […] Read More

First Look: Apache DeltaCloud

As I was browsing my Twitter feed last night I can across a tweet that talked about the 1.0 Release of Apache DeltaCloud. As described on the website: Deltacloud provides the API server and drivers necessary for connecting to cloud providers. Deltacloud maintains long-term stability for scripts, tools and applications and backward compatibility across different […] Read More

Load Balancer Internal IP’s Appearing in IIS/Apache Logs: Quick Fix

If you are NAT’ing public to private addresses with a load balancer in between your web server and your Gateway/FireWall device you might come across the situation where the IIS/Apache logs report the IP of the Load Balancer, when what you really want, is the client IP.

It’s obvious that the biggest issue with […] Read More

The Backup Delusion – Part 2

It’s been a while since my first post on this topic, but there has certainly been a lot of thought and effort put into this subject since then. At first I envisaged this to be a two part post, but I think I’m going to break this up over a couple more posts, that focus on a […] Read More

Quick Thought: VMware’s first “Microsoft” move with SocialCast

VMware announced overnight that their aquired Private Social Media Platform SocialCast is to have full features enabled for 50 users. http://www.vmware.com/company/news/releases/vmw-socialcast-free-06-06-12.html I have been using SocialCast for about 6 months privately and I’ve been involved in a couple VMware run Private Beta programs using SocialCast as the social platform…it’s excellent, intuitive and easy to use. I have seen the potential in the product […] Read More

vCloud Director and Citrix NetScaler How-To

Ive come across a couple of how-to’s on configuring vCloud Cells in a highly available Load Balanced environment. There is a good overview here by @hany_michael with the always excellent @ccolotti referenced throughout. Ive come across specific posts such as this one from @DuncanYB for F5 Load Balancers…but nothing on Citrixs NetScalers. It must be said that […] Read More

The Backup Delusion – Part 1

Ill put this right out there! I would rather live in a world without Backup and Recovery. I have burnt countless hours and hair follicles working my way through and trying to tame backup application platforms. Unfortunately we have not reached a point whereby the technology we use is reliable and resilient enough to prevent […] Read More

vCenter Operations Manager 5 – UI Time-out Settings

A little after vCenter Operations Manager 5.0 went GA I posted this forum thread in regards to the default time-out value of the Web UI…Thanks to ILIO and VEIgel for follow-up posts with the initial solution, which at this time wasn’t documented. This is now covered in the release notes for 5.0.1 under known issues. But […] Read More

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