The Dark Side of AI: Navigating the Threat of Malicious LLMs on the Dark Web

As we move deeper into the era of Generative AI, the not so known corners of the internet, particularly the dark web, are becoming a hotbed for sophisticated cyber threats. I’ve been talking for a while about the pointy end of the stick getting pointier and among the most concerning of these are malicious Large […] Read More

Bringing Ideas to Life: The Power of Prompt Engineering

Recently, I had the pleasure of sharing my journey and insights on the “90 Days of DevOps” YouTube channel as part of Michael Cade’s 2024 version of 90 Days of DevOps, where I discussed my very unconventional and niche side project, Find My Black Pudding. By leveraging Generative AI platforms and large language models, specifically […] Read More

Prompt Engineering – Custom GPTs Are Changing the Way We Interact with Technology

Back in November 2023, OpenAI introduced custom versions of ChatGPT that combine instructions, extra knowledge, and any combination of skills that can be created by ChatGPT users… the idea was essentially an extension of what you could do with ChatGPT and it’s plugin library (which is very very hit and miss) and also be able […] Read More

So you want to be a Prompt Engineer?

Automation has always been something I’ve worked in and around since I started back on the help desk over twenty years ago… dealing with repeatable and repetitive tasks is what drives humans to find way to make the processes easier and more efficient… it’s at the heart of innovation and has been this way throughout […] Read More

2024: Balancing the Dynamic World of Data Protection and Cybersecurity

We are well into 2024 now, with January all but done and dusted… but before we really dive into 2024, let’s take a look ahead as we move forward into what could be a watershed year for technology. Last year’s technological landscape was marked by a whirlwind of innovation, driven primarily by the burgeoning field […] Read More

Data and Privacy with LLMs as we move into 2024

Well, the calendar has flipped over to 2024 and we can all focus on a new BlockChain or AI Hype for the year ahead… right? Not exactly… because everyone who is anyone in Technology will understand that the generative AI space isn’t hype and that it’s hear to stay with us… with that we find […] Read More

Opinion: VMware and NVIDIA Step Up on Private AI for Enterprises

It’s not a surprise that Generative AI featured heavily as a topic at VMware Explore US last week in Vegas. 2023 is the year that most large tech companies jump on this movement/bandwagon and try to ride it all the way through to the top of the hype curve and then down the other side. […] Read More

Thoughts on 2023

NOTE: The following content was transcribed and modified from the Thoughts on X podcast…Click Play if you would like to listen. I think we should all put a pin in 2022. But before we do, I want to finish talking about 2022 by quoting something from Rocky Balboa and then let me put some context […] Read More

The Dangers of AI… Written by AI

 [NOTE] – Written by ChatGPT at with Header Image also AI generated at The dangers of AI, or artificial intelligence, have been a popular topic in recent years. With the rapid advancement of technology, more and more people are beginning to question the potential risks associated with AI. One of the biggest […] Read More

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