One of the best parts about travelling to tech conferences, expos and shows is the opportunity to talk on various panels and be interviewed by media outlets. At Tech Expo Asia in Singapore a couple weeks back, Michael Cade and myself got an opportunity to appear on Cyber Security World (CSA) Live at Cyber Security World Asia 2022 Digital Showcase.

A lot of the times, these sort of interviews get done and then forgotten, with often good conversations wasted (if only there was location on the internet were such content was referenced for prosperity….) Looking back and viewing both interviews I thought it was worth a repost as we both covered topics very relevant to todays IT landscape around modern data platforms, Kubernetes, Open Source, DRaaS, Cloud and on-prem Object and most importantly around the topic of security.

Kubernetes and Cloud Native

Michael gives a great insight into where Kubernetes is at and how Kasten is playing in the still maturing space together with the Open Source world. Talking Kasten and how lots of vendors and organizations are putting bigger skin into the game as applications are developed more and more for enterprise application…and therefore adoption.

Security, Cloud, DRaaS and Object Storage

It’s no surprise that security is front of mind at the moment, given the increase and awareness of impactful cyber attacks and malicious incidents against organization of all shapes and sizes.

A question we get often at Veeam is around our stance and in turn capability when it comes to cyber security and resilience.

We have a very specific and strategic stance in answering this question, and it focuses around the fact that we at Veeam will not pretend to be a security company… we won’t market ourselves as such and believe that we are part of the overall strategy of a end to end cyber security policy. We do backup and recovery and do it well… that’s our focus and in that our platform is the toolset that our customers can work with to agnostically work with dedicated security companies.

I discuss this below along with the state of Object Storage and DRaaS as Veeam roles towards our v12 Platform Release

Thanks to Andrew Martin, Group Publisher Asia Online Publishing Group for having Michael and I on the show and the engaging conversation.

YouTube Video Links with correct Start Times for both interviews