VeeamON 2024 has wrapped up, and what a brilliant event it was! A lot of great feedback overall, and a lot of positive reaction to the demo’s that we showed on mainstage over the two days. While the Opening Keynote showed off what’s on the truck plus a sneak look at the Veeam Data Cloud GenAI integration with Microsoft, the Wednesday Tech Keynote was where we unveiled some of our most requested advancements for the Veeam Data Platform.

Here’s a recap the six live (and we know that they where indeed live 😉 ) tech demos that was show on Wednesday.

As a reminder, you can watch both keynotes On Demand at the VeeamON website here.

1. Proxmox VE Integration: Expanding Choice around Hypervisor Migration

I kicked off with our latest hypervisor integration – Backup for Proxmox VE. This demo showcased how Veeam’s Portable Data Platform makes migrating workloads from VMware to Proxmox VE as easy as ever leveraging the Veeam Portable Data Format. Despite some self inflicted live demo gremlins, the demonstration underscored our platform’s capability to move and restore workloads across various hypervisors and clouds seamlessly. This new integration exemplifies Veeam’s commitment to flexibility and interoperability in data management.

  • Integration Power: Demonstrated the powerful Veeam Portable Data Platform, showcasing how it enables seamless migration of workloads from VMware to Proxmox VE. This integration highlights Veeam’s ability to restore backups across different hypervisors and clouds, ensuring data mobility and flexibility.
  • Cross Hypervisor Migration: Despite a few live demo hiccups (because what’s a live demo without a bit of drama?), we successfully migrated a VM from VMware to Proxmox VE. The process illustrated the portability of our technology, which is the power of the Veeam Portable Data Format at work.
  • Real-World Applications: This capability is not just about migration for migration’s sake. It’s about providing options for testing, disaster recovery, and workload optimization. By supporting Proxmox VE, we empower users with more choices and greater control over their data environments.

2. MongoDB Protection: Precision and Flexibility

Next, Emilee highlighted our enhanced capabilities for native MongoDB protection. The demo featured our new protection group for MongoDB, which allows for comprehensive scanning, protection, and granular recovery of MongoDB deployments. Whether dealing with a disaster scenario or routine maintenance, this feature ensures that MongoDB data is secure and recoverable, tailored to the specific needs of the deployment. It shows an ongoing commitment to modern data platforms and databases beyond MSSQL, MySQL and PostGreSQL.

  • Comprehensive Scanning: Enables thorough scanning and protection of MongoDB deployments.
  • Granular Recovery: Allows recovery of specific data sets as needed, ensuring precise and efficient data restoration.
  • Flexible Retention Policies: Supports various retention policies and backup copies to secondary locations.

3. Salesforce Data Archiving: Efficient and Intuitive Management

Andre showed off our Salesforce demo, which was all about data archiving and storage management. We demonstrated how administrators can efficiently manage storage by archiving tasks older than 30 days and verifying backup permissions. This not only optimizes storage usage but also ensures that Salesforce environments remain clean and efficient, aligning with best practices in data management.

  • Data Archiving: Enables archiving of tasks older than 30 days to optimize storage usage.
  • Permission Verification: Ensures that backup permissions are correctly configured, maintaining data integrity and security.
  • Streamlined Management: Keeps Salesforce environments clean and efficient.

4. EntraID Active Directory: Ensuring Security and Compliance

Security took center stage with Michael (and Hacker Anton) with the Veeam Backup for EntraID demo, focusing on core level Active Directory restoration. We showcased how Veeam can track unauthorized changes and provide granular restoration options. This capability is crucial for maintaining security and compliance, ensuring that your EntraID environment is always safeguarded against potential threats. This was a fun demo, with Anton wearing a hoodie and modifying his EntraID account to become CEO of Veeam.

  • Active Directory Monitoring: Tracks unauthorized changes to ensure security and compliance.
  • Granular Restoration: Provides options for restoring specific components, enhancing security measures.
  • Proactive Security: Helps in maintaining a secure and compliant Active Directory environment.

5. Microsoft 365 Proxy Pools: Scalability Redefined

Rin showed off our demo for the new v8 version of Backup for Microsoft 365 which introduced new proxy pool features that significantly enhance scalability and efficiency. By leveraging multiple data movers for a single job and incorporating Linux proxies, we demonstrated a dramatic reduction in backup times – from 11 days to just 17 hours. This innovation ensures that your data protection processes are faster, more efficient, and highly reliable.

  • Multiple Data Movers via Proxy Pools: Enhances scalability by using multiple data movers for a single job.
  • Linux Proxies: Adds flexibility and efficiency to the backup process.
  • Reduced Backup Times: Dramatically cuts down backup times, improving overall efficiency.

6. Veeam AI Assistant: The Future of Data Management

Finally I jumped back to unveiled the next generation Veeam AI Assistant, which will be available within the Veeam ONE console. This RAG based Generative AI Assistant uses advanced AI models to provide real-time data insights and reporting. During the demo, we showcased its ability to summarize data, provide detailed job information, and list backup servers. This tool is set to change/enhance how not only backup administrators interact with the Veeam Data Platform, making management simpler and more intuitive, but we also see this as a way for different persona to tap into the insights without having to know much about backup. Think of App Owners asking the LLM about the state of backups relative to their applications, or a C-Level asking about the state of security across the backup platform.

  • Real-Time Insights: Provides real time data insights and reporting using RAG based architecture tapping directly into the VeeamONE APIs.
  • Interactive Experience: Interacts naturally with users, understanding commands and delivering concise, actionable information.
  • Tailored Alerts: Offers contextual alerts and recommendations, enhancing system reliability and performance.
  • Bonus: Showcasing the first look at the new Veeam UI

Wrap Up

VeeamON 2024 has once again proven Veeam’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in data protection as we continue to expand the Veeam Data Platform. From innovative hypervisor integrations to AI Powered management tools, we are constantly evolving to meet the needs of our users and the market. A big thank you to everyone who joined us, both in person and virtually. Can’t wait for these features to be released… some more sooner than others with Proxmox VE and MongoDB support coming in Veeam Backup & Replication 12.2 while v8 of Backup for M365 is close to release. The Veeam AI Assistant in VeeamONE will be part of the v13/Next release.