
Backup for Microsoft 365 v6 …Self Service, Object Storage Enhancements and More!

Great news this week, with the GA release of Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 (VBM) version 6.0 ( This new version again builds on the 5.0 release that added Team support as well as further enhancements around performance, reporting and APIs. Version 6.0 is focused on the addition of a self service portal, as well […] Read More

Released – Backup for Microsoft 365 v6 Self Service Portal

No doubt that one of the biggest requests for our Backup for Microsoft 365 product since it was released has been the desire for user driven self service restores. While the request had been strongly from our Cloud and Service Provider partners, our Enterprise customers have also been requesting this feature and would also benefit […] Read More

VeeamOn 2022 – Back at the Aria in Vegas!

What can I say…it’s been a long time between drinks and looking back on the past couple of years it’s certainly been a frustrating time for us in the tech industry. As technologists, we haven’t really been able to do the job that we love…that thing is attending events, networking and talking about the technology […] Read More

Released – Backup for Red Hat Virtualization

Earlier this year at VeeamON 2021 we made a significant new product announcement which was the unveiling of Veeam Backup for Red Hat Virtualization. This has now been released a v1.0 Public Beta (Build 1.0.1488). The intent and direction of this release means that we will have supportability for a fourth hyper-visor, meaning that we […] Read More

Announced – Veeam Backup for Salesforce

At VeeamOn Update overnight we announced that Veeam Backup for Salesforce would be our next SaaS backup product, with intentionality to release some time in 2022. This is a huge announcement from us and one which is sure to produce a great amount of interest from existing and prospective customers. As Danny Allan talks about […] Read More

Double Release – Veeam Backup for AWS v4 and Azure v3

The releases keep coming from us here at Veeam and off the back of updated versions Veeam Backup & Replication (v11a) , Veeam One (v11a) and Veeam Service Provider Console (v6) we have released new version of Veeam Backup for AWS v4 (Build and Veeam Backup for Azure v3 (Build This comes off […] Read More

Veeam @VMworld 2021 Virtual Edition..still!

VMworld 2021 is today! This year, once again we will all be experiencing the conference remotely and a little more delayed than is usual for VMworld (US). With this being set in stone as a virtual event a long time ago VMware has adjusted to the challenges of running events during COVID times by bringing […] Read More

Veeam ONE v11a – Features and Enhancements… plus a significant preview!

This week, in addition to a number of other releases, we released v11a (Build of Veeam ONE. Looking at the VeeamKB and release notes, this is more than an “a” release and contains some major enhancements and new features. Apart from dealing with a number of minor fixes and enhancements there are also other […] Read More

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